Rich and I paint together and often have great conversations about the nature and process of creating art, so being on his radio show is just like that but with a microphone in front of me. This was my 3rd time on the radio show, this time with a new station presenter/engineer, Jean Scott Benson, also an artist.
They asked me to bring in a couple of paintings to discuss on the air, so I swung by the gallery on the way there to pick 2 out from the latest show. We laughed about "showing my paintings on the radio"!

We had a lively discussion and the hour passed very quickly. After the show was over and the microphones turned off, we had a great conversation about making TV shows for the internet, following painters on their plein aire adventures and watching the development of paintings as they happen - that sounds like a lot of fun! It would be a way of promoting Taos as an artists' colony, attracting visitors and promoting the artists who live and work here.