It's strange for me to not be painting, I'm so used to painting most days, but this bug knocked me out for a week. I went to the Saturday painting group but I'm not posting what I did that day, definitely one for the "paint over" pile.
Then on Thursday I went to Ray's group and painted this street scene from my California trip. Heidi and I were heading north out of San Francisco towards the Golden Gate Bridge and the morning sun was hitting the cars parked along the side of the road and I thought that that would make a great painting and took a photo.
I like paintings of city streets but I'd never attempted one before, maybe it's because I'm a city girl, all that time living in London, it's all this open countryside that is new for me. I feel quite inspired that the next time I'm back in London I'll be taking photographs with doing paintings in mind.
San Francisco Street - 8 x 10" - oil on canvas panel - $450