It seemed like Shari and I hadn't been out plein aire painting together in a long time! We met up in Queznel Lane as I had liked a tree in full pink blossom in front of a pretty adobe house that I had seen a couple of days earlier. It just shows that if you snooze you lose, because the wind had blown off most of the flowers. Shari suggested some trees in Kit Carson Park but when we got there we found they too had had most of the petals blown off.
We took a walk around the Ledoux Street area and found these first irises under a lilac tree in full bloom and this was definitely the spot. I have to be excited to paint a subject, for it to turn my eyes on, so to speak, or the painting is flat and lifeless and it's all a big waste of time and paint.
Irises at the Blumenschein - oil on canvas - 20 x 20" - sold