Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Monday 19th May 2008 - Arroyo Hondo

This is a favourite spot of mine. I also sold a painting I did here during the bank show in March, so maybe a lucky spot too - are artist's superstitious? Shari and I had a great morning's painting before the wind kicked in - typical for this time of year. I would rather paint in the cold or the rain than in the wind.

I was focussing on being more directional with my colour; not just reproducing what I'm seeing but pushing it a little. The mauve in the shadows of and branches of the sagebrush for example and heightening the oranges in the rock. I was enjoying painting a little more thickly, with fat juicy brushstrokes.

Arroyo Hndo - 20 x 20" - oil on canvas - $1,200

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